

My sink, tub and shower are draining slowly and I'm concerned that sewage may back up! How can I fix it?

A: Human contact with sewage is a serious health threat. Bacteria and viruses in sewage could cause serious illness. Make sure to avoid contact!

Excess water use in house
  • Fix leaks
  • Install water saving fixtures
Groundwater infiltrating into tanks
  • Drain ground and surface water away from tanks
  • Find and fix leaking openings
  • Water-tight tanks if possible*
Improper plumbing/blocked pipe
  • Check plumbing
  • Clear pipes
Roots clogging pipes
  • Avoid planting trees near system Components
  • Seal pipe connections*
  • Replace broken or cracked pipes and remove roots*
Tank’s outlet filter plugging up
  • Remove, clean and replace filter
  • Stop using garbage disposal
Tank baffles broken or plugged
  • Ensure baffles clear
  • Fix or replace baffles if necessary
  • Pump tank if solids are problem
Pump failure
  • Check pump operation by running manually
  • Replace pump if necessary*

Help! I have sewage breaking out on the ground.

A: Firstly, human contact with sewage is a serious health threat.  Bacteria and viruses in sewage could cause serious illness. AVOID CONTACT. Be sure to place a barrier around the area until the problem is fixed and use sand or bark dust over the breakout to minimize potential contact. 

Excess water use in house
  • Fix leaks
  • Limit high use activities
  • Install water saving fixtures
Groundwater infiltrating into tanks
  • Drain ground and surface water away from tanks
  • Find and fix leaking openings
  • Water-tight tanks if possible
High waste strength
  • Stop using garbage disposal or placing excess grease, oil, food, etc.  in system
  • Use a sink strainer
  • Stop using harsh chemicals in house
Broken or blocked pipes
  • Check plumbing
  • Clear pipes
  • Locate and repair broken pipes
Pump failure
  • Check pump operation by running manually
  • Replace pump if necessary*
Improper distribution
  • Adjust D-box or manifold for equal distribution
Undersized drainfield
  • Install new system*

What do I do if my alarm is sounding?


Too much water being used in house
  • Reduce water use
  • Check for leaky fixtures
Groundwater infiltrating into tanks
  • Drain ground and surface water away from tanks
  • Find and fix leaking openings
  • Water-tight tanks if possible
Pump failure
  • Check pump operation by running manually
  • Replace pump if necessary*
Fuse breaker tripped
  • Check breaker and reset
Pump or float power cord unplugged
  • Check electrical plugs
Controls malfunctioning
  • Call system installer and/or electrician
Control floats tangled by other parts in the chamber
  • Untangle and secure cords
  • Ensure all floats swing freely
Debris on floats and power cords causing improper function
  • Clean floats and cords by hosing/scraping off
  • Pump tank if necessary




[toggle title=”I’ve got the smell of sewage in my house. What should I do?”] A: Toxic gases can be flammable or make people sick so you’ll want to get it taken care of right away.

Sewage backup in house
  • Call a professional
Sewage surfacing in yard
  • Call a professional
Roof vent pipe blocked
  • Locate and clear roof vent pipe(s)
Improper plumbing
  • Repair plumbing
Unsealed ejector sump pump
  • Locate and seal ejector sump properly

I've got the smell of sewage outside my house. What should I do?

A: While it’s not likely toxic, it’s still a nuisance that you’ll want to take care of.

Someone else’s septic problems
  • Talk to your neighbor about correcting the problem
  • If public health is threatened call local health authority
Sewage surfacing in yard
  • Repair or replace drainfield
Inspection port caps damaged or removed
  • Replace damaged caps
Tank lids not sealed or improperly installed
  • Repair or replace lids with ones that seal properly*


My float is chattering and my pump turns on and off rapidly. What should I do?

A: Typically there’s a mercury float switch installed to control the pump. What you’ll want to do is replace the chattering float switch with a correct “mechanical” float switch

My pipes and system freezes in the winter. How can I prevent this?

A: If it’s not taken care if properly, this could result in the system malfunctioning causing breakouts or backups

Improper construction
  • Check system for problems*
Transport line doesn’t drain between doses
  • Remove check valve from line or install anti-siphon device if pumping downhill*
Water not flowing through system often enough
  • Increase frequency of pump cycling
Compacted ground not insulating pipes or drainfield
  • Keep people and vehicles off area